Everyone else has a web site these days, so I figured, why not me, too? I enjoy looking at the @ signs & find that alot of people do as well,so here are just a few of my favorites,plus a link to find more. And I hope you e-mail me some more so I can fill up this page.TNX ! I'll mainly use this site to post lots of favorite @ images/gifs ,that Ive found throught the internet. I'm also going to explain how to load it to your hard drive to use whenever you want.Also a fabulous link where you can find much more Gifs of all kinds ,for your new web page. Just right click on the image/gif of your choice,and save it.Make sure you remember to name the folder for future refrence ,so you can find it easily. Please e-mail me some of yours,and link up to this page or web site.I hope to hear from you soon. Enjoy the @-GIFS !! I'll update this site frequently, so make sure to check back often. We hope to update this page often with new images for you to use,and i hope you send me you favorites as well. Please be sure to sign the guestbook below and let me know what you think. |