I might talk about how old I am, what I look like, and what I do for a living,and my ham radio hobby,you can link to my other pages & viSIT MY FAVORITES links & information about my hobby,and alot more.E-MAIL me & let me know what you think of the site & links,or want me to add any of yours-tnx! 
I might also include some information about my personal history:Which is I'm retired,age 53,live in central fl,I enjoy ham radio & web page design.<html> i can do without where I grew up which is NYC, where I went to school NYMA, various places I've lived,also lived in California & was stationed ther in the USMC,which i was a radio operator & interrogator /translator. If I have one, I'll include a picture of myself engaging in an activity I enjoy, such as a sport or hobby. 

Im retired & enjoying life,web page design,ham radio & COOKING,meeting people.This is a picture of my ham radio rig,its a yaesu ft 100,& antenna i use is a g5rv-dipole as an inverted V,up 40 feet on a tower.My yagi was blown down by a tornado 3/4 years ago & i still havent made up my mind to put it up (LOL).PLEASE CLICK TO MY OTHER PAGES,AND LINKS,ALOT MORE TO ENJOY!!!
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Please visit my friends links,alot of info,& free stuff & help for your web pages Here's a list of some of my favorite movies: starwars,planet of the apes,sileance of the lambs,rocky,well the list & variation goes on,as you can see(LOL).Email me & tell me about yours? MY favorite music is from the 50's & 60's era,oldies but goodies & doowop sound.please visit my other links for more midis,wave files,gifs(images) for you to download from.have fun and enjoy.IF YOU HAVE ANY GOOD DOOWOWPS YOU WANT ME TO ADD TO THIS SITE,PLEASE SEND IT TO ME VIA E-MAIL-TNX!ALWYS LOOKING. SEE IF YOU REMEMBER ANY OF THESE?? 

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